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About Gary the Fairy


Fired at the ripe young age of 45, due to the ever-increasing outsourcing of the Fairy industry, Gary found himself in an uneasy predicament of not knowing what to do with the rest of his life.  Like so many in the same position before him the big question has become - Now What?  In a world where very few believe in fairies anymore, making a living as a fairy is not what it use to be.  Gary has unfortunately come face to face with the cold reality that he is going to have to make a career change.

GarytheFairy.com is about one fairy’s journey in this ever-changing world.   Join us as we ride along in life with Gary and his career choice adventures.  Experience Gary as an insulting weekly horoscope author, tip of the day author and whatever other adventure he decides to bring to the plate.

 And as Gary would say… Who loves ya liver lips?  Seriously, who loves you because I don’t?

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Tuesday, January 31, 2908 | 05:38 PM
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